Sunday, November 16, 2008

sick squirrels and Ritalin

Endangered red squirrels in the UK may finally be developing immunity to a disease carried by invasive non-native grey squirrels.

Wait, a British species is nearly annihilated because a foreign species came and spread diseases? Oh, the irony.

Increasing numbers of people are using prescription drugs like Ritalin to boost alertness and brain power. A UK bioethics professor says people should be allowed to make their own minds up about using drugs like Ritalin to boost alertness and brain power.

Yes, people should be allowed to make up their own minds, their own deeply drug-addicted minds.

Monday, November 3, 2008

jokes: hybrid stem cells, teasing the space geeks, and dancing dinosaurs

Geologists say they have discovered prehistoric animal tracks so densely packed on a 3/4-acre site that they’re calling it a “dinosaur dance floor.”

And now we know what next summer’s crappy computer-animated Disney film is going to be about.

LONDON – British government overhauled sensitive science laws to allow scientists to use hybrid animal-human embryos. Also under the new laws: in-vitro fertilization clinics will no longer have to consider the need for a child to have a father when deciding whether to offer treatment to lesbian couples.

Yes, it’s good that they’re finally through debating the role of a father in a child’s life, now that they have to start debating the role of a cow.

NASA administrator Michael Griffin said critics in the media and on anonymous Internet blogs can "chip away" at morale by questioning the motives and ethics of engineers designing a next-generation rocket system.

Okay, I’m no rocket scientist, but even I know that telling anonymous internet bloggers that they have destructive power will not make them stop.